Cohiba Minis Cuban Cigarillos
Experience the Best with Cohiba Minis Cuban Cigarillos
- Size: 3 1/4 x 20
- Strength: Medium
Satisfy your cravings for a premium cigar experience even when short on time with Cohiba Minis. These small cigars pack all the flavor and aroma of their full-sized counterparts.
About Cohiba Cigars: The Finest Selection from Cuba
Cohiba is crafted from the “cream of the crop” leaves from San Juan y Martínez * (D.O.P) and San Luis * (D.O.P) areas in the prestigious Vuelta Abajo * (D.O.P) region. The unique fermentation process of “Seco” and “Ligero” leaves produces an unparalleled aroma and flavor. Considered the flagship brand of Habanos, Cohiba is truly unmatched in quality.
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