Colts Whisky
Unique Cigars & Whisky Experience
Discover the World of Unique Cigars
Our brand was created with the Canadian cigar market in mind, but has since expanded to new regions and product lines including pipe tobacco and fine-cut tobacco. Today, we are proud to have a strong presence in Canada, Poland, Czech Republic, Nigeria, Spain, Japan, Australia, West Africa and South Africa. Our cigar range includes tipped cigars, filtered cigars and regular cigars while our pipe tobacco portfolio offers flavoured American mixtures and Dutch-style blends. Explore our selection of flavoured and unflavoured fine cut options for a truly unique experience.
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
brand | Colts |
Country | |
Quantity | Single Small Cigar, Pack of 8 Small Cigars, Box of 25 Small Cigars, 10 Packs of 8 Small Cigars |
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