Cigar Chief Signature Blend Maduro Robusto
Experience the Perfect Collaboration with Cigar Chief and Escobar Cigars
Indulge in the ultimate smoking experience with Cigar Chief’s 2024 Signature Blend, created in partnership with the renowned cigar experts at Escobar Cigars. Crafted by master blender Abe Flores at the prestigious PDR cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, these premium cigars are rolled using the traditional Cuban entubado method for an unparalleled smoking experience. Our team is thrilled with the outcome of this collaboration and we are confident that you will love our all-new Cigar Chief Signature Blend.
Size: 5″ x 52
Strength: Medium-Full
Wrapper: San Andres Maduro
Binder: Sumatra
Filler:Habano Dominican Republic, Piloto Dominican Republic, Pennsylvania
We highly recommend aging these cigars in your humidor for an even more exceptional smoking experience.
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
brand | Cigar Chief |
Country | |
size | Robusto |
Length | |
Ring Gauge | |
Strength | |
Wrapper | |
Binder | |
Filler | Habano Dominican Republic, Piloto Dominican Republic, Pennsylvania |
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