Stallone Palomino Connecticut Toro
Hollywood Legend Cigar: Stallone Palomino Connecticut Toro
The Stallone Palomino Connecticut Toro is a premium handmade cigar produced by La Palina cigars in honor of actor and Hollywood legend Sylvester Stallone. This cigar is a medium to full-bodied smoke that boasts a beautiful, golden brown Connecticut wrapper, which has a silky texture and minimal veining. The blend features a combination of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, providing a complex flavor profile with hints of earth, cedar, and subtle sweetness. The Stallone Palomino Connecticut Toro is the perfect choice for smokers who enjoy flavorful yet smooth cigars that do not overwhelm the senses. It burns evenly and produces ample smoke with every draw. This cigar has earned high ratings and rave reviews from critics who praise its well-balanced blend and intricate flavors.
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
brand | Stallone |
Country | |
Shape | |
Length | |
Ring Gauge | |
Strength | |
Quantity | Single Cigar, 5 Cigars, Bundle of 20 Cigars |
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