Colts Cavendish
The Unique and Exclusive Colts Cigars Cavendish Edition
Discover the World of Colt Cigars
Originally created for the Canadian cigar market, Colt Cigars has since expanded its reach to new territories and categories, including pipe tobacco and fine-cut tobacco. This highly sought-after brand now has a strong presence in Canada, Poland, Czech Republic, Nigeria, Spain, Japan, Australia, West Africa and South Africa. The diverse range of cigars includes tipped cigars, filtered cigars and regular cigars. Meanwhile, the Pipe Tobacco portfolio offers an array of flavoured American mixtures and Dutch-style blends. For those who prefer a finer cut of tobacco, Colts also offers both flavoured and unflavoured variants.
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
brand | Colts |
Country | |
Quantity | Pack of 8 Small Cigars, 10 Packs of 8 Small Cigars |
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