Backwoods Cigars Grape
Backwoods Grape Cigars present a delightful combination of flavors, merging the sweetness of grapes with the robust essence of tobacco. Designed for short, flavorful breaks, these cigars boast a rustic Cheroot shape that adds to their charm. Their distinctive grape flavor infuses each puff with a unique fruity note, making them a preferred choice for smokers seeking a rich yet smooth smoking experience.
Crafted with a rich and sweet grape flavor, Backwoods Grape Cigars offer an enjoyable smoking journey that appeals to aficionados and novices alike. Their rustic appearance, with the rough leaf exterior, enhances their character and adds to their allure. The revival of the Grape flavor in the Backwoods lineup has been met with excitement from fans, who eagerly await the opportunity to indulge in this beloved blend once again.
Previously discontinued, Backwoods Grape Cigars have made a triumphant return, albeit for a limited time. At our store, customers can now order boxes of these sought-after cigars to relish their unique taste and aroma. Don’t miss out on this chance to experience the nostalgia and satisfaction of Backwoods Grape Cigars, available exclusively for a limited period.
Backwoods Cigars Grape Specs:
- Made In: Dominican Republic
- Distributed By: ITG Brands, LLC
Flavor: Sweet Grape - Length: 4 1/8
- Ring: 27
- Shape: Cigarillo
- Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder: Homogenized Tobacco Leaf
- Filler: Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed
- Strength: Mild – Mellow
- Wrapper Color: Dark Brown / Maduro
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