These cigars are the culmination of 20 years of research and development to produce the finest premium cigar in the market today. Debonaire incorporates the…
The Rocky Patel Edge Corojo Short Robusto, a cigar that has been imitated but never duplicated. This powerful, extra-full-bodied cigar introduced in 2004, is offered…
The Rocky Patel Edge Corojo toro, a cigar that has been imitated but never duplicated. This powerful, extra-full-bodied cigar introduced in 2004, is offered with…
These cigars commemorate Rocky Patel’s 55th birthday with a full-flavored, 4-cigar series, all rolled to 55 ring gauges with a slight taper at the head…
These cigars commemorate Rocky Patel’s 55th birthday with a full-flavored, 4-cigar series, all rolled to 55 ring gauges with a slight taper at the head…
Experience the ultimate indulgence with VEDADO SX Mini Cigarillos the perfect choice for beginners. This exclusive combo features three tantalizing variants – Coffee, Vanilla, and…