These cigars are a full-bodied, no-holds-barred take on Rocky’s critically-acclaimed Sun Grown selection for fans of dark, earthy, and spicy cigars. Honoured as Cigar Aficionado’s…
The Rocky Patel Toro Tubo Sampler is a 6-Cigar assortment of premium handmade Rocky Patel cigars packaged in aluminum tubes to maintain optimum freshness. The…
Celebrating 20 years in the business of creating iconic cigars, Rocky Patel couldn’t deliver something short of magnificent. This cigar follows the lineage of the…
This is a medium-bodied cigar leaning more toward the complex side with a nutty and caramel essence. It is highlighted by a 12-year-old Honduran Broadleaf…
These Cigars have gorgeous wrappers, a complex flavor, and a wonderfully sweet aroma. Blended with smooth-smoking, well-aged Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Vintage 1990 series…
These cigars are handmade with a tantalizing blend of five -year aged Dominican & Nicaraguan fillers with a dark, Sumatra wrapper. The smoke is medium-bodied,…
These cigars are a smart buy, especially if you plan on protecting their creamy, toasty and mellow flavors when there’s distance between your humidor &…
These cigars are another addition to the highly-acclaimed 1990, 1992 & 1999 Vintage series. They boast a perfectly-aged Cameroon wrapper deftly rolled around an 8-year-aged…